Here's my personal user manual, which is kinda like a product user manual. It'll tell you who I am, how I can help you, how you can help me, and how we can get along together. Why write this? On the one hand, it pushes me to delve deeply into myself, which is challenging. On the other hand, it introduces me to you guys to make interesting friends, do interesting things, and connect with the world. Hello, world! o(*≧▽≦)ツ.

Who Am I?

Hey, it's me, Lyon Hu, or as you might know me online, Knowing. Feel free to call me Lyon, or Kitty if you want something cuter. I'm a big fan of Hello Kitty and Cardcaptor Sakura. Adorable things and heart-warming things make my day. People sometimes ask me why I'm so obsessed with Hello Kitty. You guys wanna take a guess? *٩(๑>◡<๑)۶*.

In life, I'm a photographer, a learner, and an experiencer. I've snowboarded down Mt. Niseko-Annupuri in a snowstorm with low visibility. I've never been to college, and I've not been a maven yet. So, to achieve my aspirations from the bottom of my heart, I've been diligently learning since the beginning of my career. I like life, aspire to be a happy, loving person, and positively influence others in that way.

At work, I'm a software engineer with seven years of professional experience. I'm adept at managing technology and implementing products from scratch. I focus on R&D, designing, and producing, and I embrace the culture of freedom and responsibility. I've worked as a front-end engineer at UCloud and a senior software engineer at Kyligence. I like work, aspire to be a digital nomad, and do things that make the world a better place.

I like the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. Walter Mitty's exploration of the unknown is something I admire, and Sean O'Connell's attitude to photography is something I envy. However, what struck me the most was the quote, "To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life." from Life magazine. After I had looked up Life magazine on Wikipedia, I realized that the quote was originally from the founder, Henry Luce. It perfectly aligns with my life motto, "Read more, walk more." So, I've decided to include it in my profile and share it with you guys.

To see life; to see the world; to eyewitness great events; to watch the faces of the poor and the gestures of the proud; to see strange things — machines, armies, multitudes, shadows in the jungle and on the moon; to see man's work — his paintings, towers and discoveries; to see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to; the women that men love and many children; to see and take pleasure in seeing; to see and be amazed; to see and be instructed ... — Henry Luce

How Can I Help You?

Here, I'm gonna explain how I can help you. I don't expect anything in return, and I wanna make the world a better place. If possible, you could consider helping others as a way of reciprocating my help. ~(≧▽≦)/~.

Thinking, Which Is My Field of Best

I used to be shy and quiet, which made me the kinda person who thinks a lot. Thanks to that, I can solve almost all of the problems I encountered on my own. For example, from the methodologies of time management and energy management to choosing a mate and choosing a job, even planning a life and planning a career. Feel free to talk to me if you have any problems, and I might be able to share some helpful ideas with you.

I wouldn't help you with a trivial problem. For example, "My app threw an exception. Could you help me?" which isn't a good question. On the one hand, I invest my time in solving a trivial problem for you would bring you short-term rather than long-term benefits, which isn't cost-efficient for us. On the other hand, and more importantly, solving trivial problems on your own is a great way to learn and grow. Trust me, I've been there.

Semi-professional Photography, Which Is My Field of Hobby

This piece was taken by me in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong. It's one of my favorites and the most expensive one I've ever taken, and it represents my level of photography in 2023. Photography is not just a hobby for me, it's a passion that I put a lot of time and energy into, and I consider myself a semi-professional photographer. If you have general photography needs, feel free to ask me. If you have professional photography needs, it's best to consult a professional photographer.

Victoria Harbour, FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS on Alpha 7R III, 70mm, F8, 1/5s, ISO 3200
Victoria Harbour, FE 70-200mm F2.8 GM OSS on Alpha 7R III, 70mm, F8, 1/5s, ISO 3200

If you ask me, you'd better not expect too much. I'm not a professional photographer, so our tastes might not align, and many variables are involved in creating a piece of work, from the initial idea to the finished piece. These variables include weather conditions, the shot's timing, the photographer's state, and more. For example, the visibility was quite high when I took this piece. If the visibility had been lower, this piece wouldn't have come out as it did.

Application Layer R&D, Which Is My Field of Work

While R&D is my field of work, I've decided not to focus on making money until I reach the age of 35. On the one hand, I'm not knowledgeable enough to make money yet. On the other hand, in the present, I would rather invest my time in learning, which brings long-term personal growth and lays the groundwork for future planning, than making money, which only brings short-term wealth growth.

However, I can still provide relevant resources. For example, your uncle wanna make an app, or your aunt wanna hire an engineer. Feel free to talk to me if you have any needs related to my field of work. Please introduce yourself and share any information you would like me to know.

How Can You Help Me?

Here, I'm gonna explain how you can help me. I write this personal user manual not only to offer help but also to seek help. I could be better and would be grateful if you could help me. ~(≧▽≦)/~.

Experiencing and Feeling

As I said in my profile, my life motto is "Read more, walk more." I'm eager to meet different people, experience different things, and feel this different and somewhat interesting world.

If you're a screener, feel free to share with me the interesting things you checked and even let me experience your work. If you're a captain, feel free to share with me how to handle bad weather and even let me experience life on your ship. If you could show me a world I've never seen, feel free to talk to me, and I believe you could help.

The purpose of experiencing is to feel. However, I'm not the kinda person who feels things well. Let me put it simply: It is the ability to experience and understand deep feelings. For example, after a trip, while you might be able to write a captivating travelogue, I find it challenging because I don't feel as deeply. If you have any ideas, feel free to talk to me, and I believe you could help.

Criticizing and Complimenting

As I said in my profile, my life motto is "Read more, walk more." I'm eager to learn, grow, and be better.

One's horizons are limited after all. I might not be able to see my faults, which you could see at a glance. If you notice my faults, feel free to criticize me. I won't blame you if your criticisms are from the bottom of your heart. On the contrary, I would appreciate it even if I disagree with your criticisms.

Since I mentioned the criticisms, let me talk about the compliments I'm looking forward to. I would be happy if you complimented me. If you wanna impress me, you should compliment me from the bottom of your heart.

Obviously, whether criticizing or complimenting, what matters most to me is authenticity, sincerity, and coming from the heart.

Do You Wanna Be My Friend?

As I said at the beginning, I write this personal user manual not to "connect to the world" but to "connect with the world". "Connect to" implies a one-way interaction, whereas "connect with" implies a mutual connection. So, what's your name? What's your story? Feel free to say hello to me.

How Can You Get in Touch with Me?

WeChat: szxmsu

WeChat is my usual communication tool, and I'll take a look when I'm free. I'll read every message and usually respond within 12 hours, or within 24 hours if I'm busy.


E-mail is my reliable communication tool, and I'll take a look when I'm free. I'll read every e-mail and usually respond within 24 hours, or within 48 hours if I'm busy.

In Case of Emergency

Since e-mail and WeChat are my asynchronous communication tools, I might not be able to respond immediately. My cell phone is always on silent unless you call or text me. If you have an emergency, feel free to call or text me, and I'll respond as soon as possible. Since phone calls and texts might interrupt me, I trust you could make your own judgment on whether there is an emergency.

I'm not gonna share my phone number here, if you have an emergency in the future, there are other ways to get in touch with me for my phone number.


  1. Twitter: @szxmsu
  2. Slack & Discord: not yet, but maybe soon